
Explore our Career Opportunities

We are looking for quality professionals to help us build the nation’s first group of standalone veterinary practices focused on high quality rehabilitation and orthopedic medical care.

Interested? Contact Dayna Kowalczyk at

  • Always Recruiting Professionals

    VROMP is growing and we are always looking for quality veterinary professionals to join our team. If you are interested send us a message.

  • ACVSMR Residency Opening

    Twin Cities Animal Rehab + Sports Medicine - Burnsville, MN

    3-year private practice residency in small animal sports medicine and rehabilitation beginning July 2023. This program meets the requirements of the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation (ACVSMR). The residency provides in-depth training that permits individuals to pursue a career in either private practice or an academic setting.

    The 5,000 sq feet facility has a canine sports arena as well as comprehensive rehabilitation equipment including modalities (shockwave, LASER, therapeutic ultrasound, electrical stimulation, Synovetin OA, PEMF) and therapeutic exercise equipment (hydrotherapy and land based). The clinic has diagnostic imaging including ultrasound and laboratory services. Regenerative therapies are also used. Adjunct therapies used at the facility include chiropractic and massage therapy.

    Please contact for more details and to arrange a site visit.

    "The residency program is more than I had ever hoped, and the mentorship and the caseload variety is invaluable." ~ Dr Melissa Weber, current second-year resident in Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

    "This residency has reminded me of why I chose this pathway for myself. As I continue to learn something new every day, I am encouraged by other passionate, kind and brilliant colleagues." ~ Dr Charlotte Talbert, current first-year resident in Canine Sports Medicine and Rehab